Status Board Module Overview

A status board is a visualization of information within Incident Management (Operations Center platform). It is comprised of a set of rows, much like a spreadsheet, with a configurable form behind each row. You can add as many status boards as you like and there is no limit as to what you can represent in a status board.

Data in a status board can be sorted and grouped, while rules can be designed to change the color of each row, update dashboard widgets, and module headers.

Opening the Map on the side-bar will display information about the status board while opening the Logs on the side-bar will allow you to see any posts relevant to what you're viewing.

Each Status Board is designed by creating a Template. Collections and Plays can be used to pre-load items into it during an event.

💡 TIP: Take a look at our Extension Pack article to get sample templates to start your configurations with.

💡 TIP: Ideas for your Status Boards:

  • Shelters
  • Risks
  • Rivers
  • Road Closures
  • Bridges
  • Buildings
  • Damage Assessments
  • Schools
  • Infections
  • Crew
  • Passengers
  • Delays
  • Incidents

Customizing the Status Board Template

Each status board has a Template which outlines the layout of the form behind it and which columns should display on the list view. The articles below may help in customizing the status board templates: 

Pre-Loading Collections Data

Collections are used to pre-load data into a status board. For example you might have a status board of 'Shelters' and you could enter all the county storm shelters in to the collections in advance. They are then available pre-loaded to import during an Incident. The articles below may help in configuring and populating your status board data:

Using Status Boards

When you come to use a status board during an event or incident you should first add it to your channel, or start your channel with a Play that includes it. The articles below may help in using the status board module:

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