Configuring Module Header Stats

Module header stats allow you to display the summed value of number fields as a header on a Status Board. They also allow you to display the total figure for the number of rows entered. 

🔑 ACCESS LEVEL: Account Owner

⚠️ ATTENTION: If you do not already have a numbers field, you will need to add one first.

  1. Go to the Admin Area
  2. Expand Templates
  3. Select Status Boards
  4. Click the Edit icon on the status board you wish to edit
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click + Advanced Options
  6. Here you will see Module header stats
  7. Click Add
  8. In this article's example to display the summed value for both Shelter Capacity and Shelter Occupancy on the header you must obtain the field IDs for both of the number fields
  9. Click the ⋮ more options menu and copy the Field ID, you can also click on the double paper icon to copy
  10. The Field ID for Shelter Capacity is shelter_capacity and the field name for Shelter Occupancy is current_occupancy 

  1. To sum the total number for Shelter Capacity, enter the following in Template:
    1. Shelter Capacity: {{items | map:'data.shelter_capacity_Fxd9LCYq' | add}} 
  2. Click Add
  3. To sum the total number for Shelter Occupancy, enter the following in Template:
    1. Shelter Occupancy: {{items | map:'data.shelter_occupancy_fQS9eJ91' | add}} 

  1. Click Add
  2. Click Save

Display the Total Figure

You can also display the total figure for the number of rows entered in a status board and it will appear as a header on your status board.

  1. Enter the following code in Template:
    1. Total Casualties {{items.length}}
  2. Where Total Casualties is the name of the header that you want to appear on your status board
  3. Another example could be Total # Infected if you had an Infections board. The code for this would be: 
    1. Total # Infected [[items.length]]
  4. Click Save

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