Admin Area Overview

The Admin Area is where you configure your Incident Management account (Operations Center platform). It allows you to create forms, create task boards, populate status boards, change general settings and bring them all together with play automation.

🔑 ACCESS LEVEL REQUIRED: Account Owner or Editor

ℹ️ NOTE: The Admin Area and its functions are not accessible through the mobile app.

  1. Go to the 👤 user menu in the top right
  2. Select Admin Area

Sections of the Admin Area

Expand each section by selecting the > dropdown menu.

  • Collections - Store content to be re-used in every channel.
  • Templates - Manage the templates behind each module.
  • Plays - Configure the automations that run when a channel is started.
  • Alerting - Configure your settings and severities.
  • Settings - Configure the software control panel and preferences.

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