D4H Incident Management (Operations Center)

Importing Personnel into Collections

There are multiple ways to import your personnel into your Incident Management account within the Operations Center platform. This article provides guidance on importing personnel through an existing D4H D4H Personnel & Training account and from a CSV file.

Follow the steps outlined in the Inviting New Users article to add individual members, assign permission profiles, and grant user access to your account.


💡 TIP:  You might need to create or update fields on your Personnel template is updated before importing personnel.

Importing Personnel from a CSV file

ℹ️ NOTE: 

  • CSV columns must correspond to a field on the Personnel Template.
  • Ensure phone numbers are added to the CSV in the following international format: +1 801 333 4455. This allows the mobile app to recognize the numbers and make calls using your device.
  1. Access the Admin Area
  2. Go to Personnel
  3. Click on the ⋮ more options menu
  4. Click Import
  5. Select a file, it must be a CSV file
  6. You will need to map the columns to their respective data fields
  7. Select Import
  8. You will need to go into each person's profile assign them a permission profile to grant them access to the account, follow the steps on granting access to members

Importing Personnel from your Personnel & Training Account

If you already have a D4H Personnel & Training account, you can enable this D4H Products Integration to import your Personnel from here.  

⚠️ ATTENTION: Members with Observer status cannot be imported from Personnel & Training. To proceed, either update their status to Operational or Non-Operational for import, or add them directly as a user in Incident Management without importing.

ℹ️ NOTE: If you enable D4H Products Integration, complete Field Mapping Personnel & Training ‘Member Profile’ to Operations Center 'Personnel' prior to importing personnel from your Personnel & Training account. 

  1. First complete the D4H product integration steps
  2. Go to the Admin Area
  3. Expand Collections
  4. Open Personnel
  5. Click on the ⋮ more options menu
  6. Click Import
  7. Click on D4H Personnel on the left hand menu in the pop up window
  8. Check off the names of the personnel you are importing from you Personnel & Training to your Operations Center account

    1. To refresh the data after the initial import, simply Click Here to update to pull in the latest information over from their Personnel & Training member profile.

  1. Click Import

Connect all Existing Personnel to their Personnel & Training Account

⚠️ ATTENTION: Only existing personnel will be linked if they have a member profile in Personnel & Training.

  1. Go to the Admin Area
  2. Expand Collections
  3. Open Personnel
  4. Click on the ⋮ more options menu
  5. Click Import
  6. Click on D4H Personnel on the left hand menu in the pop up window
  7. Select Click Here to link, without updating, all existing personnel to D4H Personnel & Training

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