Creating a New Task Board

🔑 ACCESS LEVEL: Account Owner

  1. Go to the Admin Area
  2. Expand Templates
  3. Select Tasks
  4. Click on New Task Template
  5. Create your template using the customizing form template and selecting field type articles
  6. Click Save

Selecting an Icon (Required)

Select an icon for the board. This icon will be used to represent the board in the menu and when tagged in the log. Click Show more to see more icons, and use keywords to search for the name of an icon.

Name (Required)

The app name will appear in the navigation menu and throughout the software. Choose a short name that ideally fits on a single line.

đź’ˇ TIP: Names should be unique and clear. Ideally it would be a name that encompasses the task lists and tasks such as "Immediate Actions", "Security Tasks", "Search Assignments", and "Requests".

Unique Name (Required)

The unique name is auto-generated. The unique name is used later to create relationships between modules and reference this module in custom expressions.

Default Functions (Optional)

These defaults indicate how users will utilize the task board within the incident channel.

Suggest from collections or create new

  • Always create a blank item: adding a new item will always result in creating a new blank item
  • Suggest from collection: when adding a new item, a dialog will first suggest to import the item from collections instead of creating a new blank item

New blank item behavior

  • Standard: add an item and start editing it using the full form view
  • Quick Add: add an item and start editing it inline in the list view

Lock changes on items imported from collections

Enable Lock changes to select which fields are locked when you are importing stored content from Collections.

⚠️ ATTENTION: Task Name, Task List fields and the Task Order cannot be changed for items imported from collections. Additionally, new tasks cannot be added to imported lists but you can still create new task lists within the incident channel, reorder and rename them.

In the incident channel the locked fields are marked and greyed out:

Tasks Statuses (Optional)

These statuses represent various stages within your task workflow. Additionally, you have the flexibility to incorporate custom status labels, enabling you to visualize the progress of your Task Boards lists according to your specific needs.

  • Not Started displays as grey
  • In Progress displays as amber
  • Complete displays as green
  • Not Applicable (removed from stats) will not be displayed. This option is useful when dealing with pre-configured task lists, allowing you to indicate that certain items do not apply to a particular incident.

You can expand the task progress bar to view a detailed breakdown of all custom phases containing tasks.

Default Status (Optional)

You can set a default status from the statuses above. You may want to set the default to 'Not Started' if you choose to keep this status.

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