Adding Tasks and Task Lists

To add tasks and task lists to a Task Board within your channel.  Good task lists will relate to phases or responsibilities. This helps you see how each list is progressing to completion. Take it further by creating and storing pre-loaded checklists/tasks in Collections to use during an event or incident.

💡 TIPS: Here are some examples of task lists and their respective tasks:

  • IMT Initial Deployment
    • Confirm attendees
    • Decide on equipment to travel
    • Confirm fuel requirements
    • Initiate notification to selected roles
    • Deploy the Comms unit
  • Operations
    • Dispatch team to check on site
    • Initiate action play
    • Feedback to Operations on progress
  • Chemical Spill
    • Notify the highways agency
    • Notify the roads department
    • Check if emergency services needed
    • Close road if applicable
    • Update traffic signage to warn
    • Contract clean service if required
  • Evacuation
    • Identify the Evacuation Zone(s)
    • Identify high risk locations within the evacuation zone
    • Identify resources are available for evacuation
    • Identify the Evacuation Assembly Point(s)
    • Identify the Evacuation routes to the Assembly Points
    • Nominate the Shelters
    • Establish a public information hotline
  • Level A Donning Procedure (Hazmat Team)
    • Fluid intake
    • Entry and Back up Team seated
    • Mission Briefing
    • Suit Inspection
    • SCBA Inspection
    • Apply and Buff Anti Fog to all Visor Surfaces etc

⚠️ ATTENTION: New tasks cannot be added to imported lists from collections if you have the Lock changes on items imported from collections configured on your task board template.


  1. Access the open Channel
  2. Go to the Task Board
  3. Click on the orange Add button and type in the name of the task list you want to create
  4. Double click into the task list row and click on the red Add button
  5. Type in the task name, assign the role(s) or team who needs to complete the task, and any other field data relevant to the task
  6. Repeat the steps above until you have all of the task lists and tasks


  1. Open the Incident Management Mobile App
  2. Access the open channel
  3. Go to the Task Board
  4. Click on the orange + icon
  5. Type in the task list name
  6. Select Create
  7. Click into that task list
  8. Click on the orange icon
  9. Type in the task name, assign the role(s) or team who needs to complete the task, and any other field data relevant to the task
  10. Click Save
  11. Repeat the steps above until you have all of the task lists and tasks
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