Creating / Updating / Deleting Custom Fields

Our custom fields can be added to most entities within the account allowing you to customize the type of data collected in each. Custom field data can be marked as private or available to all members. Custom fields can be added to Member Profiles, Equipment Items, Person's Involved, Incidents, Incident Time Stamps, Incident Weather, Events, Exercises and Health and Safety Reports. Custom Fields configured at the organization account level will automatically apply to any linked team accounts.

🔑ACCESS LEVEL REQUIRED: Owner for team accounts, and organization account access for org accounts

Quickly Navigate to a Specific Section in this Article:

  1. Creating a New Custom Field
  2. Updating an Existing Custom Field
  3. Deleting a Custom Field (we only recommend performing this action for items added in error)

Creating a New Custom Field

  1. Go to Team Settings or Organization Settings
  2. Under Custom Fields and Timestamps click into the section you want to add a custom field to
  3. Click Add Field
  4. Give your custom field a title
  5. You can add your custom field to a bundle to organize common custom fields together, this will appear as a section header
  6. Select the data type, whether it's a text field or a drop down field;
    1. Note that once you hav saved the custom field you cannot edit the type. You would need to delete the field and create it again with a different data type
  7. Choose the privacy of this custom field's data, Private indicates that only Member+ and above will be able to see the data
    1. For Member Profile Custom Fields, you can also decide whether Member permission profile users can only view the field on their own profile and/or whether they can edit the field on their own profile.

  1. Choose if this custom field data is searchable from the search box in your account
  2. Mark whether this field is required, if this is marked required for example you will not be able to approve an activity until it's filled in
  3. Key in any hint text details to help guide your members when they are filling out the field data
  4. Click Save Changes

Updating an Existing Custom Field

  1. Go to Team Settings or Organization Settings
  2. Under Custom Fields and Timestamps click into the section you are editing
  3. Click Edit in custom field
  4. Fill in the details
  5. Click Save Changes in the pop up
  6. Click Save Changes from the main custom field list

Deleting a Custom Field

⚠️ ATTENTION: Deleting a Custom Field will permanently delete all data stored in that custom field for all past and future data. 

  1. Go to Team Settings or Organization Settings
  2. Under Custom Fields and Timestamps click into the area where the relevant custom field is contained
  3. To the right of the custom field click Edit
  4. In the pop-up box which appears, click Delete at the bottom lefthand side
  5. Type in the prompted word in the space to confirm
  6. Click I understand the consequencespermanently delete and that custom field will no longer appear.

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