D4H Incident Reporting (Team Manager)

Creating / Updating Incident Timestamp Bundles

Custom Timestamps may be configured to track each timestamp of an Incident. Timestamp examples include alerted, mobile, on-scene, stood-down, and returned to base.


ℹī¸ NOTE: There must always be a Start Timestamp and an End Timestamp.

Quickly Navigate to a Specific Section in this Article:

  1. Creating a New Timestamp Bundle
  2. Updating an Existing Timestamp Bundle

Creating a New Timestamp Bundle

  1. Go to Team Settings
  2. Under Custom Fields and Timestamps click into Incident Timestamps
  3. Select Add Bundle
  4. Add a title for the bundle
  5. Set Default to Yes if you want these to be the default timestamps that appears when you open a new incident report
  6. Set Active to Yes if you want this timestamp bundle to be available to use in your incident reports
  7. Input the labels for the timestamps and click Add Timestamp underneath it
  8. Set a Start timestamp and an End timestamp
  9. Click Save Change

Your timestamp will now appear in the timestamp drop down when you open a new incident.

Updating an Existing Incident Timestamp

  1. Go to Team Settings
  2. Under Custom Fields and Timestamps click into Incident Timestamps
  3. Locate the timestamp bundle and click Edit Bundle on the timestamp bundle you want to edit
  4. Change a timestamp label by simply typing in a new label over the existing label
  5. To add an additional timestamp, select Add Timestamp at the bottom
  6. Timestamps can be disabled by clicking the Disable button beside them. The same can also be done to enable them, by clicking Enable
  7. Make sue to click on Save Changes when you are happy with the changes made

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