Sending an Alert

Rapidly send notifications to your team—from everyday informational updates to mission critical alerts and notifications. Alerts can be sent via SMS, email, voice call, mobile push notification, and WhatsApp, for more information on setting this up see Configuring Alert Severities.

🔑 ACCESS LEVEL REQUIRED: Owner or Send alerts must be configured under Additional Policies for other user permission levels.

Creating a New Custom Alert

  1. Select + New customer alert
  2. Click on Select recipients box
  3. Select Groups or Individuals to include those recipients in the alert
    1. Use Select all or Deselect all to include or remove in bulk
  4. If you also have D4H Personnel & Training; choose On-Call Only to include personnel listed as on-call via the on-call planner. Enter your search query in the top white box for faster results.

ℹ️ NOTE: For the On-Call Only function to work, the recipients must be imported from Personnel & Training into the Alerting Admin Area via D4H Products Integration. Additionally, you need to map the built-in Phone Contact field in the Personnel template to the Mobile Phone contact in the member's profile in Personnel & Training.

  1. Choose the Alert severity from the dropdown
  2. Type in your alert message in the Alert text field (120 character limit)
  3. Click the Add Text option to include a rich text area, allowing for longer and richer content to be added to the alert
  4. Optional: To receive feedback from the recipient, you can click +Add response option under Response options, e.g. Accept and Decline
    1. Each alert automatically includes a built-in acknowledgment option for the recipient. To remove it, click the trash icon. Note that this removal option is only available for regular alerts and cannot be used for delivery sequences
  5. Expand Advanced V and select the timeframe for Step accepting responses after
  6. Click Send Alert
  7. Select Send in the pop up to confirm
  8. After sending, your alert status will display as Active Alert while gathering responses from recipients. After a certain period, the alert will transition to the Completed status
  9. Check out your recipients responses

ℹ️ NOTE: The long text attachments will be added to the email and mobile app notification, and will be accessible via a link on WhatsApp and SMS.

Once the alert has been archived, that link will expire and will only be accessible via the Web and App inbox.

Sending an Alert Template

  1. Select one of your pinned Alert templates or click Show more v to view unpinned templates
  2. If the alert template is set to Edit before send as the Sending mode, you can make additional edits to the alert before sending it
    1. Otherwise, it will not allow you to edit if the template is set to Instant send
  3. Update any of the details, if available
  4. Click Send Alert
  5. Select Send in the pop up to confirm
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