Configuring Account Preferences

Here you can configure the main preferences for your account.


  1. Go to the Admin Area
  2. Expand Settings
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. If you are making changes, select Save



You can upload an Organization logo to display in the top left hand corner of your Incident Management account. It will also display on your exports. 

Allowed login attempts after which the user account is locked

Here you can set the number of attempts each user will have to log into their account before being locked out if they have incorrectly inputted their credentials. If this happens, an Account Owner will have to go to the member in Collections > Personnel and unblock them. 

Date and Time

Timezone override

You can enable a setting that allows you to set a different timezone for each channel individually. You can also set a Default Timezone.

Short date format

Choose the format for short dates to display in your account.

Long date format

Choose the format for long dates to display in your account.

Time format

Choose the format for time to display in your account.

Numbers and Units

Number format 

Choose the format for numbers to display in your account.

Distance unit 

Choose the unit that distance should be measured in your account.

Wind Speed Unit

Choose the unit that wind speed should be measured in your account.

Visibility Unit

Choose the unit that visibility should be measured in your account.

Precipitation Intensity

Choose the unit that precipitation intensity should be measured in your account.

Pressure Unit

Choose the unit that pressure should be measured in your account.

Temperature Unit

Choose the unit that temperature should be measured in your account.

Available coordinates formats 

Turn on / off the relevant coordinate formats you will use.

Default coordinates format 

Set the default format for coordinates in your account.


Incident Reference Template

Whenever you start a new Channel, a reference number will be automatically added to the Situation Report based on the parameters specified in this section. Visit the page on assigning a unique identifier to an incident for more information.

Hide incident name

If your team does not use the even name field on the situation, you can chose to hide it from view by clicking this box.

Default incident shutdown action

This section allows you to specify the what should be done with the data once your play is shutdown. You can chose to delete the data, export it, archive it, or migrate it to Incident Reporting. If you chose to migrate it, you will need to select a default Incident Reporting activity type.

Enable 'Blank' Play 

You can turn on / off the ability to start a blank play (i.e. there will be no data pre-loaded into the channel) Default play.

Setting a default play enables one-click incident creation. Whatever you chose here will be what play you use automatically. You can chose to use a different play when starting an incident by clicking on the â–Ľ dropdown menu to the right of the start incident button and selecting + Start New (advanced).

Announcements Notifications

For announcements, you can set the default notification settings in the Admin Area > Settings > Preferences.

  • If Notify by Default is configured as the notification setting, when creating an announcement within an incident the following pop up appears. This gives the user the option to uncheck the box to stop notifications being sent. 

  • If Don't Notify by Default is configured as the notification setting, when creating an announcement within an incident the following pop up appears.  

  • If Always Notify is configured as the notification setting, a notification will always be sent when an announcement is created. No pop up box appears.
  • If Never Notify is configured as the notification setting, a notification is never sent when an announcement is created. No pop up box appears.


Available basemaps

Turn on/off the available basemap options that will display within your Maps.

Organization Map View

This is where you will set the map view that will be shown in the channels list page. 

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