Configuring Export Settings

You can choose what is included in the final channel export.


  1. Go to the Admin Area
  2. Expand Settings
  3. Click on Export Settings
  4. Choose the data you want on your PDFs and exports
  5. Click Save

Form printing and export preferences

Here, you have the option to include 'Exported by' information and team name in your exports and PDFs. Additionally, you can designate the default timezone, default base Map, and default paper format for your account.

Data included in the incident archive

Here you can choose what data is included in the export from general information, built-in modules, and your custom modules.

Module Summary Export

Select Module Name (e.g. Personnel / Roles / Buildings) to export a PDF summary of the module. 

Module Details Export

Select Include Module X Details (e.g. Include Buildings Details) to also download a PDF for each item (row) within that module. 

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