Adding Forms in Collections
Collections allow you to create and store pre-loaded content for use during an event or incident. Creating them in collections allows them to be used across multiple channels and to be included in Plays.
🔑 ACCESS LEVEL: Account Owner or Editor
ℹ️ NOTE: When organizing using folders, ensure that forms are placed within those folders. Failure to do so will result in the inability to include them in Plays.
To do this:
- Go to the Admin Area
- Expand Collections
- Click on Forms
- Click +Add
- You can organize your forms into Folders or add the forms directly into the Form Collection
- Creating Folders may be helpful to organize the Forms by incident types
- Select the Form from the +Add dropdown
- You may need to update the Header Date, this gets automatically loaded with today's date but since these forms may be used at different times you don't want that pre-filled
- Now you can include these forms in your Plays