Editing Existing Items of Equipment
Equipment items in an organization’s inventory are physical tools, machinery, devices, or assets used to support operations. Tracking detailed information about these items can help enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization.
🔑 ACCESS LEVEL REQUIRED: Owner, Editor and Member+ with Equipment Editor enabled
Item Profile Field Descriptions:
- Is Critical: Learn what it means to mark items as critical by referring to this article.
- Monitor Item: Track items by adding them to your monitor list. Refer to this article for more information.
- Category/Kind: Change how equipment items in your account are organized. Refer to this article for guidance on understanding what a category is. And this article on kinds.
- Manufacturer/Model: Update the manufacturer or model of your items. Refer to this article for more details.
- Replacement Cost: Adjust the replacement cost of your items. Find instructions in this article.
- Weight: Update the weight of your equipment items. Refer to this article for guidance on updating measurements.
- Supplier/Supplier Ref: Add or update supplier details for your items. Refer to this article for more on suppliers.
- Funding Source: Assign funding sources to your equipment with the help of this article.
- Cost per Hour/Cost per Use: Manage costs per hour or use for your equipment. See this article for guidance.
- Note: Add important information or details about your equipment items.
- Manufactured: Update or add the manufactured date for items.
- Purchased: Update or add the purchase date for items.
- First Use: Add or update the first use date for equipment.
- Warranty Ends: Track warranty end dates for your items.
- Expires: Update or add expiration dates. Refer to this article for what happens when items near or pass their expiration.
Updating Individual Item Details
- Go to Logistics > Equipment
- Open the piece of equipment through Categories > Kinds or by searching for the equipment ref # on the search bar
- Click Update details on the item
- Add in your updates
- Click Save Changes
Bulk Updating Item Details
- Go to Logistics > Equipment
- Open the Categories > Kinds
- To bulk select items;
- Check the box next to the Ref column to select all items
- Use Select None to clear the selection
- Choose an All items option for bulk selection
- Or, manually select specific items by checking individual boxes
- Open the Bulk Action dropdown in the top left
- Select Edit to modify item details
- In the popup;
- For editing items:
- Select Field to update from the dropdown
- Choose a new value from the New value dropdown
- To update additional fields, click +Add another field to update and repeat the process
- Click Update # items... or Retire # item... to apply the changes