Creating / Updating / Deleting Tasks

Generate tasks across various modules in Personnel & Training, Equipment Management or Incident Reporting. Whether it's a task related to an Event, Exercise or Incident, an item of Equipment, or a Member on your team, you can seamlessly manage tasks. Keep tabs on jobs, projects, and items within these modules, assigning tasks to members or entities for efficient tracking of completion.

Quickly Navigate to a Specific Section in this Article:

  1. Creating a New Task
  2. Updating an Existing Task
  3. Deleting a Task (we only recommend performing this action for items added in error)

Creating a New Task

  1. Go to Logistics > Tasks 
  2. Click Add a Task on the right hand side OR click on Dashboard and Add a Task from the Task widget
  3. Type in the title of the Task
  4. Give a brief description as to what the Task is or give specific steps in order to complete the Task
  5. Start typing in the name of the Entity you are linking the task to 
  6. Choose to whom the Task will be assigned to or search for the member by name within the dropdown
  7. Key in the Due Date
  8. Click Save Changes

Updating an Existing Task

  1. Go to Logistics > Tasks OR go to Dashboard, click on the Tasks widget title, or click on To Do or Due or Mine to expand those granular Task items
  2. Click on either the All Tasks or My Tasks tab. Here you are able to see the list of Tasks, which are categorized by the entity they are linked to
  3. To edit the Task, locate it and click on it
  4. Click on Update Details
  5. Make the updates and click on Save Changes

Deleting a Task

⚠️  ATTENTION: Deleting a task will permanently delete all data associated with that task and it cannot be restored.

  1. Go to Logistics > Tasks 
  2. Open the task you wish to delete by clicking on the title
  3. Click on Update Details on the right
  4. Click on Delete on the bottom right hand corner
  5. Type in the prompted word in the space to confirm
  6. Click I understand the consequences, delete and that item will no longer appear 

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