Viewing and Completing Tasks

Access and fulfill tasks designated for your team or individual completion.

Viewing Tasks

  1. Go to Logistics > Tasks OR go to Dashboard
  2. Click on the Tasks widget title, or click on To Do or Due or Mine to expand those granular Task items
  3. Click on either the All Tasks or My Tasks tab
  4. To view Completed Tasks, click on Completed on the right hand side
  5. You are also able to view/download a PDF of all Tasks by clicking on the PDF icon

Completing Tasks

  1. Go to Logistics > Tasks  
  2. Click on the title of the Task you wish to complete
  3. Click on Update Details if you need to update any details before completing
  4. Update the Status of the task to either In Progress or Completed 
  5. Upload any task Attachments or photos if applicable
  6. Add or update Discussion if applicable

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