Issuing Equipment to a Member

Your team members may be in possession of equipment from your inventory and you have the ability to assign these items to them in your D4H Equipment Management account. Once issued, the equipment can be viewed under Personal Equipment Issued on their member profiles.

Vehicles/Reusable Equipment

💡 TIP: The following steps outline the process of relocating a single item of equipment. It is possible to bulk move equipment, enabling the relocation of multiple items.

⚠️ ATTENTION: The member must be active in your account in order to issue items to them - i.e. Retired or Observer members cannot be issued items.

  1. Go to Logistics > Equipment
  2. Open the piece of equipment through Categories > Kinds or by searching for the equipment ref # on the search bar
  3. Click Update Details on the item of equipment
  4. Under the Located In section click on Update Location
  5. Select Issued to Member from the first dropdown menu
  6. Click on the next drop down and a list of your members will appear, you can scroll through the list or start typing their name in the search box
  7. Select the member you want to issue the item to
  8. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page

Disposable Supply Equipment

  1. Go to Logistics > Equipment
  2. Select the Category
  3. Access the Disposable Supply Kind
  4. Click on Distribute Quantities
  5. Select the supply Source from the left-hand column
  6. Choose Create a new equipment item for this batch from the right-hand side column under Destinations
  7. Input the supply quantity to be issued to the member
  8. Click on No Location
  9. Select Issued to Member from the first dropdown menu
  10. Click on the next drop down and a list of your members will appear, you can scroll through the list or start typing their name in the search box
  11. Click Choose Location
  12. Select Distribute Quantities
  13. This action will transfer the supply items to the selected member and will be displayed as part of equipment/supply items issued in the Member's Profile

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