Creating / Updating / Deleting Tags

Tags are a helpful tool you can use in Personnel & Training, and Incident Reporting to filter data and generate reports. They let you track the frequency of activities related to your skills and capabilities. You’ll then get a breakdown of activities by tag type. Tags configured at the organization account level will automatically apply to any linked team accounts.

🔑ACCESS LEVEL REQUIREDOwner for team accounts, and organization account access for org accounts

Quickly Navigate to a Specific Section in this Article:

  1. Creating a New Tag
  2. Updating an Existing Tag
  3. Deleting a Tag (we only recommend performing this action for items added in error)

Creating a New Tag

  1. Go to Intelligence > Tags
    1. For organization accounts, go to Organization Settings and select Tags under the Modules section
  2. Click Create Tag
  3. Bundle your common tags for ease of use and to organize similar tags together
  4. Give your tag a title such as CPR or Wildfire
  5. You can add your tag to a bundle to group common tags together, for example Medical or Call Types
  6. Click Save Changes
  7. Continue with Adding Tags to Activity

Updating Existing Tags

  1. Go to Intelligence > Tags
    1. For organization accounts, go to Organization Settings and select Tags under the Modules section
  2. Locate the Tag that you need updated
  3. Click on Update Details
  4. Bundle your common tags for ease of use and to organize similar tags together
  5. Add the information 
  6. Click Save Changes
  7. Continue with Adding Tags to Activity

Deleting a Tag

⚠️ ATTENTION: Deleting a tag will permanently delete it from the account including any activity reporting data associated with it. Also, it cannot be restored once it is permanently deleted.

  1. Go to Intelligence > Tags
    1. For organization accounts, go to Organization Settings and select Tags under the Modules section
  2. Click into the tag you wish to delete then select Update Details
  3. Click on the red Delete on the bottom right hand corner
  4. Type in the prompted word in the space to confirm
  5. Click I understand the consequences, delete and that tag will no longer appear 

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