Creating / Updating / Deleting Inspections

Inspections allow you to create regular recurring audits, maintenance, and checks on your equipment. Notifications are flagged on your dashboard and alerts emailed to maintenance personnel when an item of equipment is due to be inspected.

Quickly Navigate to a Specific Section in this Article:

  1. Creating a New Inspection
  2. Updating an Existing Inspection
  3. Merging Multiple Inspections Together
  4. Deleting an Inspection (we only recommend performing this action for items added in error)

Creating a New Inspection

ℹ️ NOTE: The first time you look at the inspection you'll see that all the items are due immediately. As the system will not know when the items were last inspected you may need to update this. To set the correct previous inspection results and dates follow the steps in completing an inspection.

  1. Go to Logistics > Equipment
  2. Click on the Inspections tab
  3. Click Add Inspection
  4. Give your inspection a title such as Annual Rope Inspection
  5. You can add your inspection to a bundle to group inspections together, for example Rescue or Monthly
  6. Click Add Inspection and your new inspection will appear at the bottom of the list
  7. You will see the inspection is Paused
  8. Click into the inspection and click Update Details to add further details and update the due date (see below for more information about these fields)
    1. If you have Enabled Inspections Steps or became an D4H Equipment Management customer after May 2024:
      1. Click +Add Step to add the individual steps of your inspection
      2. Within the Edit Step popup, give your step a name
      3. Continue until you have all relevant steps
      4. To rearrange the steps, hover over the step you wish to move and click and hold the ⠿ drag handle icon to the left
      5. Update the Inspection Field details
  9. Click Save Changes 
  10. To set the correct previous inspection results and dates by completing an inspection

Inspection Fields

  • Steps: Enter step by step instructions on how to conduct the inspection.
  • Description: Give your inspection a description.
  • Performed: Set the frequency of your inspection based on Days, Months or Years.
  • Remind Before Due: Set the number of days/months/years before the due date a reminder notification should be sent. Select members will receive this notification.
  • Auto-Out of Service: If the inspection is not completed on time, the applicable equipment will be marked as unserviceable.
  • Item Kinds: Select the equipment kind or kinds that you wish to include in your inspection.
  • Located In: Select the location or locations you wish to include in your inspection.  
  • Active: Inspections will remain Paused and inactive until the box is checked off.

Updating an Existing Inspection

  1. Go to Logistics > Equipment
  2. Click on the Inspections tab
  3. Select the inspection you wish to update
  4. Click on Update Details
  5. Update the information (see below for more information about these fields)
    1. If you have Enabled Inspections Steps or became an D4H Equipment Management customer after May 2024:
      1. Click +Add Step to add the individual steps of your inspection
      2. Within the Edit Step popup, give your step a name
      3. Continue until you have all relevant steps
      4. To rearrange the steps, hover over the step you wish to move and click and hold the ⠿ drag handle icon to the left
      5. Update the Inspection Field details
  6. Click Save Changes
  • Steps: Enter step by step instructions on how to conduct the inspection.
  • Description: Give your inspection a description.
  • Performed: Set the frequency of your inspection based on Days, Months or Years.
  • Remind Before Due: Set the number of days/months/years before the due date a reminder notification should be sent. Select members will receive this notification.
  • Auto-Out of Service: If the inspection is not completed on time, the applicable equipment will be marked as unserviceable.
  • Item Kinds: Select the equipment kind or kinds that you wish to include in your inspection.
  • Located In: Select the location or locations you wish to include in your inspection.  
  • Active: Inspections will remain Paused and inactive until the box is checked off.

Merging Multiple Inspections Together

ℹ️ NOTE: When an inspection with steps is merged the "origin" steps are transferred to the "destination" inspection and added to the end of the existing steps but are disabled

  1. Go to Logistics > Equipment
  2. Click on the Inspections tab
  3. Select the inspection you wish to merge with another inspection
  4. Click on Update Details
  5. Select Merge
  6. Select the Destination Inspection where this inspection will be merged into
  7. Type in the prompted word in the space to confirm
  8. Click Merge
  9. Once merged, return to the retained Inspection to update or add any new relevant details

Deleting an Inspection

⚠️  ATTENTION: Deleting an inspection will permanently delete all data associated with that inspection. It is a better practice to merge the obsolete inspection into the new inspection.

  1. Go to Logistics > Equipment
  2. Click on the Inspections tab
  3. Select the inspection you wish to update
  4. Click on Update Details
  5. Click on Delete on the bottom right hand corner
  6. Type in the prompted word in the space to confirm
  7. Click I understand the consequences, delete and that item will no longer appear 
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