Mass Notification FAQs

We've gathered answers to common questions about mass notifications. Whether you're new to this or want to learn more, you'll find easy-to-understand information here. Explore our FAQs to discover how mass notifications can help you and your organization.

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Everbridge FAQs

Q - Why am I encountering an "Error: Unauthorized" when I enter my Everbridge credentials?

A - This error message could be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. This message indicates that the username and/or password you entered are incorrect and have not been accepted by Everbridge. To resolve this issue, double-check the credentials you've entered and ensure they are accurate.
  2. Your profile is assigned multiple roles in Everbridge. Please ensure your profile only has a single role in Everbridge as the integration is allowed only for users with a single role at the moment.

If you find yourself unable to resolve the error message, it is advisable to initiate direct contact with Everbridge, your SMS server provider, to seek assistance. For seamless troubleshooting, you may also include in your email correspondence with Everbridge.

Q - Why are my mass communication templates, which I created in Everbridge, not visible in D4H?

A - The integration with Everbridge is designed primarily for sending bulk communications to Personnel, and it does not transfer other information, including templates, to D4H. To address this, we recommend manually Creating your Mass Communication Templates into D4H. This ensures that you have these templates readily available for use within D4H.

Q - Why are my mass communication templates, which I created in Everbridge, not visible in D4H?

SingleWire Informacast FAQs

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