Customizing Retirement Reasons

Customization allows you to align team members' retirement reasons with your organization's specific criteria, such as performance, tenure, or other factors. When a team member is moved to the "Retired" status, their access is also removed, providing a clear and accurate reflection of their retirement status. Member retired reasons configured at the organization account level will automatically apply to any linked team accounts.

🔑ACCESS LEVEL REQUIREDOwner for team accounts, and organization account access for org accounts

  1. Go to Team Settings or Organization Settings
  2. Scroll to Modules click on Members
  3. Type in Retirement Reason and click Add New
  4. Continue to Add New until you have listed all of the valid Retirement Reasons
  5. To update existing Retirement Reasons click on Edit next to the reason you are updating
  6. Click Save Changes on the bottom right of the screen
  7. You can now Change your Member's Status

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