Retiring Members

Retiring members allows their data to remain in D4H without having them appear in lists with your active members. For this reason, retiring a member is almost always preferred over deleting. 

🔑 ACCESS LEVEL: Owner or Editor  permission level required

ℹī¸ NOTE: Owners can configure retirement reasons under Team Settings by going to Modules > Members and then selecting to add or edit Retirement Reasons.

⚠ī¸ ATTENTION: If the member has been issued any equipment, ensure those items are moved to a new location or mark those items as retired prior to changing the member status to Retired. If not the system would throw an error.

To retire a member:

  1. Go to Planning > Members
  2. Open the Member's Profile
  3. Click Update Details
  4. Click the Status field on their profile and select Retired
  5. Select a retirement reason from the list of options
  6. Click Finished to save your change

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