Signing Into D4H Account

Welcome to D4H! If you've received an invitation to join a D4H account, use this guide to set up your user account and get started. Our comprehensive product guides will help you navigate D4H effectively. If you encounter any issues, please check our Sign-In Troubleshooting articles.

Step 1 - Accept your invite and create an account

When you get an invite from your organization to join D4H, make sure to check your spam folder if you haven't received the email. If you can't find the invitation, reach out to your organization's D4H administrator for assistance. They can resend the invite or offer more guidance.

⚠ī¸ ATTENTION: If you encounter an error when accessing the invite link, it may have expired. The link is only valid for 24 hours. If it has expired, please contact your team's D4H Administrator for a new invite to be sent.

  1. Open the email activation email
  2. Click on Click Here to Activate

  1. Your email address should be pre-filled into the Enter you Email box
  2. Select the box next to I would like to receive emails from D4H with tips & tricks, updates an other news to sign up for these notifications
  3. Click Sign Up
  4. You will receive an email with a code to input, you may want to check your Spam folder if it's not in your inbox within a few minutes
  5. Enter the received code
  6. Select Next
  7. Create your new password
  8. Click Next
  9. Secure your Account through a Multi Factor Authentication;
    1. Select one of the options
    2. Click Next

Step 2 - Sign-in to D4H in your web browser

  1. Type in your username
  2. Click Sign In
  3. Type in your password
  4. Select Sign In
  5. If you have Enabled Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), add the one time Passcode sent to your mobile or the code shown on your Authenticator App. Please note that if you do not have access to this code, you will not be able to sign in to D4H. Simply request your D4H account administrator to drop us an email with your name & email address and we will have the MFA disabled so that you can reset your password and set-up MFA again (if required)
  6. Click Next

Step 3 - Download the mobile apps and sign-in

You can download the D4H mobile apps from the Google Play Store/Apple App Store. Our Personnel & Training, Equipment Management (Team Manager platform), and Incident Management (Operations Center platform) products all have their own mobile applications. Make sure you download the correct app for your needs.

  1. Sign into your web application
  2. Click on the 👤 user menu in the top right at the top right
  3. Select Get Mobile Apps
  4. Scan the QR code with your device camera
  5. Download the mobile app to your device

Signing into the mobile application

ℹī¸ NOTE: Use the same username and password combination you created to sign-in through the web browser. 

  1. Open the applicable mobile application
  2. Select your region
  3. Click Continue
  4. Type in your username
  5. Click Sign In
  6. Type in your password
  7. Select Sign In
  8. If you have Enabled Multi Factor Authentication you will receive an email with a code to input, you may want to check your Spam folder if it's not in your inbox within a few minutes
    1. Enter the received code

ℹī¸ NOTE: Once signed-in, your username may give you access to multiple teams, see our guide to Switching Teams.

⚠ī¸ ATTENTION:  If you don't currently have SSO set up with your D4H account, talk to our sales team today!

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