Creating / Updating / Deleting Qualifications

Make the administration of Qualifications and training records easy. Customizable pro-active email alerts will notify both the training officer and the individual that qualifications are soon to expire. Set required and preferred expectations based on group membership to identify training needs.


Quickly Navigate to a Specific Section in this Article:

  1. Creating a New Qualification
  2. Updating an Existing Qualification
  3. Deleting a Qualification (we only recommend performing this action for items added in error)

ℹ️ NOTE: To upload certifications to your qualifications, go to Uploading Qualification Certificates.

Creating a New Qualification

  1. Go to PlanningQualifications
  2. Click + Add Qualification
  3. Give your qualification a title such as Incident Command System (ICS 100) or First Aid (Basic)
  4. You can add your qualification to a bundle for ease of use and to organize similar qualifications together, for example Tech Rescue or ICS
  5. You can add a Note to the qualification, such as requirements
  6. Indicate the Default Expiry for this qualification
  7. Put in the number of days you wish to have a expiration reminder sent to the qualified member and the person(s) responsible for receiving email notifications for the entire team
  8. Needed On-Call is useful for teams to identify if they have the proper number of members on call for a specific qualification
  9. Click Save Changes
  10. Now you can Qualify Members to apply the qualification to the relevant members

Updating an Existing Qualification

  1. Go to Planning > Qualifications
  2. Select the qualification you wish to update
  3. Click on Update Details
  4. Update the information 
  5. Click Save Changes

Deleting a Qualification

⚠️ ATTENTION: Deleting a qualification will delete all records of that qualification and cannot be restored.

  1. Go to Planning > Qualifications 
  2. Open up the qualification that you wish to delete
  3. Click Update Details
  4. At the bottom of the page there will be a small red Delete button
  5. Click this and enter your password that you use to log into the account
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