Creating / Updating / Merging / Deleting Categories

Categories and Kinds are how you will organize and define your equipment in Equipment Management.

Categories will be a broad description of the items of equipment you have in your cache, such as Response Bags, Respiratory Devices or Rigging Gear.

Quickly Navigate to a Specific Section in this Article:

  1. Creating a New Category
  2. Updating an Existing Category
  3. Merging Category
  4. Deleting an Existing Category (we only recommend performing this action for items added in error)

Creating a New Category

  1. Go to Logistics > Equipment
  2. Go to the Categories tab
  3. Click Add Category
  4. Type in the name of the Category and click Add Category
  5. Your new Category will be at the bottom of the list
  6. Once you have added Categories you will then add Kinds within each

Updating an Existing Category

πŸ”‘ ACCESS LEVEL REQUIRED: Owners and Editors

πŸ’‘ TIP: Alternative to the below steps, you can update by navigating to the Categories tab on the equipment dashboard, select Update Details, enter in the update and select Save Changes.

  1. Go to Team Settings
  2. Under Equipment select Categories & Kinds
  3. Hover over the Category you wish to update
  4. Click Edit
  5. Here you are able to edit the name of the category
  6. Click Edit Category

Merging Categories

If you've created a category in error or want to merge two of the same categories into one, this is the best course of action.

πŸ”‘ ACCESS LEVEL REQUIRED: Owners and Editors

  1. Go to Team Settings
  2. Under Equipment select Categories & Kinds
  3. Hover over the Category you want to merge, then select Merge
  4. Choose the destination Category where you want to merge the items into
  5. Select Permanently Merge

Deleting an Existing Category

Deleting a category will permanently remove it from the account, along with any associated data. It might be better to merge the categories insteadβ€”see the instructions above.

πŸ”‘ ACCESS LEVEL REQUIRED: Owners and Editors

⚠️ ATTENTION: You cannot delete a category of equipment if you have active kinds or equipment items in it, this is to prevent accidental mass deletion. To delete a category with items in it, you must first delete or move to another category each item of equipment. There is no bulk delete function for this.

  1. Go to Team Settings
  2. Under Equipment select Categories & Kinds
  3. Hover over the Category you wish to delete
  4. Click Delete
  5. Enter the password you use to log into the account
  6. Click Permanently Delete

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