Equipment Dashboard Overview

The Equipment Dashboard provides an at-a-glance overview of key information relating to your equipment management account. You can expand any of these sections by clicking on the title of the widget. You can also filter the dashboard by Location by selecting the dropdown from the top right and selecting the location you want to display the details for.

Select Logistics > Equipment to open the Equipment Dashboard if you have also purchased Personnel & Training or Incident Reporting. 

Inspections Due

This will display any Inspections that are coming up for your team, you can see in how many days each inspection is due.

Low Supply Level

This tracks the Required Supply Level thresholds you’ve set on your Disposable Equipment Items and alerts you if you drop below this threshold. E.g. you need 200 medical gloves in your cache, however, you currently only have 150. It will show you that you are 50 below your threshold.

Expired Equipment

This displays items of equipment that have expired or are due to expire. You can set Expiration Requirements and Pre-Expiry Notifications for individual items of equipment as well as an account wide default.

To Monitor

You can monitor any piece of equipment you would like to keep an eye on. E.g. The portable generator isn’t putting out as much power as you would expect.

Pending Movements

If you have an organization account, you can view both outgoing and incoming equipment transfers between teams here.


This section shows an overview of Repairs that are due within your team and any repairs assigned to you. Click on Mine to view your repairs.

Critical Unserviceable

Any item you have Marked as Critical that is now out of service. E.g. a vehicle is a critical piece of equipment, a flashlight is not. If both the vehicle and flashlight are out of service, only the vehicle will be displayed here as it has been marked as critical.

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