Adding Communication Providers


ℹ️ NOTE: If you are interested in the D4H Alerting producttalk to our sales team today!

  1. Go to Team Settings
  2. Under Modules select Communications
  3. Click Add Provider

Connect Rocket

Please review the Connect Rocket help article.


  1. Set up a Twilio account, ensure that you have a full Twilio account, not a trial one
  2. Input the Account SID and Auth Token, which can be found on the Twilio account dashboard. This information is required for purchasing a phone number and for sending messages and calls through your account.
  3. Select the country where your team operates from the dropdown list. If applicable, input the area code
  4. Click on Search Available Numbers to view a list of available numbers
  5. Choose one and click Purchase Number
  6. Choose the channels you wish to use Twilio for
  7. Additionally, set a prefix that your team will recognize

⚠️ ATTENTION: If you've already purchased a Twilio number, contact the Help Desk, as backend setup is required for this. Provide the following details to the Help Desk;

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