Adding Communication Providers
ℹ️ NOTE: If you are interested in the D4H Alerting product, talk to our sales team today!
- Go to Team Settings
- Under Modules select Communications
- Click Add Provider
Connect Rocket
Please review the Connect Rocket help article.
- Set up a Twilio account, ensure that you have a full Twilio account, not a trial one
- Input the Account SID and Auth Token, which can be found on the Twilio account dashboard. This information is required for purchasing a phone number and for sending messages and calls through your account.
- Select the country where your team operates from the dropdown list. If applicable, input the area code
- Click on Search Available Numbers to view a list of available numbers
- Choose one and click Purchase Number
- Choose the channels you wish to use Twilio for
- Additionally, set a prefix that your team will recognize
⚠️ ATTENTION: If you've already purchased a Twilio number, contact the Help Desk, as backend setup is required for this. Provide the following details to the Help Desk;
- Existing Twilio phone #, including country code
- Account ID
- Auth Token: Use 1Password Secret Sharing or OneTimeSecret to share this code