Connect Rocket

Team Emergency Paging, Conference Calls, SMS Text Messages

To add Connect Rocket integration, follow the instructions provided here:

D4H Personnel & Training 

Connect Rocket is a tasking and communication tool used by leading emergency services organizations to facilitate rapid, safe and efficient emergency response and operational communications. Utilizing Multi-Channel Messaging™, Connect Rocket relies upon voice, text and e-mail communications to ensure reliable messaging when it matters most.Connect Rocket is a tasking and communication tool used by leading emergency services organizations to facilitate rapid, safe and efficient emergency response and operational communications. Utilizing Multi-Channel Messaging™, Connect Rocket relies upon voice, text and e-mail communications to ensure reliable messaging when it matters most.

Configuring Connect Rocket

Using Connect Rocket

  • To use the integration, follow the instructions to send a new message through our Communications module.

See all Personal & Training Integrations

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