Editing or Deleting an On/Off-Call Period


To edit or delete your on/off call:

  1. Go to Operations > On-Call Planner
  2. Locate the period you wish to delete and click edit icon
  3. From here you can edit the date/time of your on/off call period
  4. If you wish to delete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the red Delete button
    1. If you used the repeat feature when adding your entries, you can choose to delete this instance only or all following in series


To edit or delete your on/off call:

  1. Log into Personnel & Training mobile app
  2. Locate the period you wish to edit (if the dates are within the same month you will see the scheduled time on the landing page and if the dates are outside of the current month you will need to find the scheduled time using the ☰ menu, select Calendar and the < >move icon until you find the month)
  3. From either the landing page or from the calendar view click on the scheduled date
  4. Click on the "On or Off Call" to update the information or click on the "Event / Period" to delete the status
  5. To delete the status, select Trash and then Confirm

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