Changing the Time Format

In order to tailor the experience to each user, the displayed time format is adapted to each user's environment. Depending on your system, it may rely on your browser or operating system settings. Most international locales use 24h time by default. In English, however, it varies.

🔑ACCESS LEVEL: All user can access

ℹī¸ NOTE: The information below applies to modern desktop browsers (Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 11 or Microsoft Edge) and modern mobile browsers (Safari for iOS, Chrome mobile, Android Browser). Older browsers use a fallback method. We do recommend that you upgrade outdated browsers.

Browser Types

⚠ī¸ ATTENTION: Following any of the procedures below, restart your browser.

Mac OS users (all browsers):

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Click Language & Region
  3. Check/uncheck 24-Hour Time
  4. You account should now use your desired time format


  1. Open the menu
  2. Click Settings
  3. Scroll down and click Show advanced settings
  4. Click Languages
  5. In the window that opened, choose the locale you'd like. English (United States) enforces AM/PM, English (Canada) use 24-hours time. If it's not shown, add it by clicking on Add and selecting it in this list.
  6. Check Display Google Chrome in this language 
  7. You account should now use your desired time format

Internet Explorer 11 / Microsoft Edge

  1. Open the Start Menu
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Time & Language
  4. Click Date & Time
  5. Choose Change date and time formats
  6. You account should now use your desired time format

Show or hide seconds

🔑 ACCESS LEVEL: Owner or Editor

ℹī¸ NOTE: This applies to the entire team or organization.

  1. Go to Team Settings
  2. Under Custom Fields and Timestamps select Timestamp Seconds
  3. Under Timestamp Seconds select on or off
  4. Click Save Changes
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